Happy Birthday to Us!

On a very cold Sunday afternoon, January 29, 2017 we threw the switch for the very first time. KAAD’s premiere broadcast shot out over the airwaves. The mellow voice of Russ Holcomb introduced Sunday Jazz and we were off and running.

Original attendees included (from above left) Sam Tune, Dave Allen, Richard Call, Jim Thompson, Andy Merrill, Ellen Stewart and David Purdy.

Over the last eight years, a lot of great people have contributed to our programs of music and talk. Thank you to those who have made this station a true community undertaking. And to those wavering, if you’ve ever had a hankering to participate or have been told you have a face for radio, it’s not too late. We are always looking for new people to create new programs, record and edit, troubleshoot, train, write and generally keep the station rolling forward. Send us a note at info@kaad-lp.org and we’ll talk over where you can contribute.

Thanks for a fabulous 8 years and cheers to many more!

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