New Show: “The Looking Glass” Debuts
Sam Taylor loves to talk to people on all kinds of subjects, so it didn’t take much to talk him into talking on air to some of the many wonderfully interesting people who live in the Mother Lode.
The Looking Glass: Interviews That Reflect Who We Are and the Community We Call Home will premiere on Friday, March 7th at 12:30pm.
For the debut program, Sam interviews local attorney Frank Russell on a variety of subjects, most especially the law. It is a show in two parts, beginning Monday, March 10th at 12:30pm. Part 2 will continue the following week at the same times.
On Fridays and Mondays at 12:30pm on March 21st, 24th, 28th and 31st, Foothill Horizon Outdoor School director Jess Hewitt will be the featured guest. She will be describing the unique and highly successful outdoor education program she heads – and its long-term value to children.
Foothill Forum
Foothill Forum host Patti Cherry begins a new audio series highlighting The Wood Pellet Project, a proposal to build a bio-mass facility at 1200 La Grange Road, 9 miles SW of Jamestown.
Patti begins the series with two interviews this month. They will feature arguments for and against the project that proposes to utilize our forest’s natural resources.
On Saturday and Sunday, March 15th and 16th at 10am, Terrance Rodgers, Director of Forest Resiliency and Sarah Bolnick, Economic Development Officer from The Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) will speak in support of the project. They believe it will reduce biomass, help with forest resiliency, provide 50 jobs and produce ongoing income countywide.
The following weekend, March 22nd and 23rd at 10am, Renee Orth will present an opposing view of the project. She is a Jamestown resident and spokesperson for Tuolumne Together, a group of concerned local citizens which are primarily concerned about the process the The Wood Pellet Project is undergoing, the environmental impact, and the pollution that may occur.
Several more Foothill Forum programs on this subject will follow. If you have comments or concerns about this project, please send them to
Equestrian Arts
Equestrian Arts folks – Earlene Smith, along with husband Stan and great friend Kelli O’Brien – took a little trip a few weeks back to the famous Red Bluff Bull & Gelding Auction. The experience turned out to merit a two-part show describing all the events.
You can catch the second half Monday, March 10th at 10am. You can also find both programs in the KAAD Archives. Go to and select Archives in the Menu. Scroll to Equestrian Arts and click on. While you’re at it, note the many other interesting talk programs that you may have missed.
Equestrian Arts is also the first of our talk programs to be podcast, available wherever you find podcasts.
The Local Scribe
Join The Local Scribe host Nick Hughes, in conversation with legendary Sonora Union Democrat journalist Chris Bateman, on Saturday and Sunday, March 8th and 9th at 10:30am.
Hired by Democrat Editor/Publisher Harvey McGee in 1973, Chris has informed, educated and entertained Democrat readers for more than 40 years. Semi-retired now, Chris contributes a frequent column to the Democrat, still amusing his readers and keeping them up on the latest upset on Yankee Hill.
In between times, he has written Nothing Happens Here: Dispatches from the Middle of Nowhere. He is at work on a new book, an Auto -Biography which lovingly describes each of his many vehicles.
Book Talk
Book Talk host Joy Willow is a multi-talented artist – a musician, a painter and a poet. She brings her love of poetry into conversation with Sam Taylor on this month’s Book Talk. They share some favorite poems ranging from Robert Frost to Rumi, Elizabeth Bishop to Henry Reed. There are even a few originals thrown in.
Join Joy and Sam on Saturdays and Sundays at Noon, March 15th and 16th and April 5th and 6th, just in time to celebrate Poetry Month.
Vicarious Vacations
Vicarious Vacations is our show where you can travel virtually, get destination ideas and trip planning secrets through host Wendy Hesse’s interviews with intrepid locals.
This month’s program centers on Suzanne Praisler’s month-long grand tour of Mexico starting in Puerto Vallerta and culminating at the kaleidoscopic Day of the Dead celebration in Oaxaca. The show airs at Noon on second and fourth weekends – March 8th & 9th, 22nd and 23rd.